LaKademy 2014

The second edition of LaKademy took place in the city of São Paulo, between August 27 and 30, 2014. The event was held in the CCSL - Centro de Competência em Software Livre (Center of Free Software Competency) of the Institute of Mathematics (IME) and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP), Campus Butantã.

LaKademy 2014 followed a different path from previous event: additionally to hacking sessions we opened registrations for anyone interested in present talks or mini-courses in event. The interest topics included (but was not limited to): solid technical experience with KDE or Qt technologies, current scenario and future trends, opportunities and indications for contributions, KDE applications, KDE massive deploy and KDE on mobile devices. The proposals could be submitted in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.

In addition to a mini Qt Introduction Course, the event featured talks about KDE Sysadmin Team, Qt and KDE on Android, KDE Connect between others. More details on this schedule can be seen below. You can also read reports about what happened during the event here.

Photos from the event are avaliable on this link.

Program Scheduling

Time August, 27 Agosto Auditório Jacy Monteiro, bloc B, IME-USP August, 28 Auditório Jacy Monteiro, bloc B, IME-USP August, 29 CCSL-IME-USP building August, 30 CCSL-IME-USP building
9:00h 10:00h Abertura - Para onde está indo o KDE KDE Latin America KDE Connect: Conectando tus dispositivos a KDE Ronny Aizcorbe KDE Hacking/Discuss Group KDE Hacking/Discuss Group
10:00h 11:00h Eduroam: Facilitando Acesso à Internet em Instituições de Ensino Lamarque Souza Mini-Curso de Introdução ao Qt Sandro Andrade KDE Hacking/Discuss Group KDE Hacking/Discuss Group
11:00h 12:00h KDE Sysadmin Team Rafael Gomes Mini-Curso de Introdução ao Qt Sandro Andrade KDE Hacking/Discuss Group KDE Hacking/Discuss Group
12:00h 14:0h Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00h 15:00h Krita: A Evolução Viviane Nonato Mini-Curso de Introdução ao Qt Sandro Andrade KDE Hacking/Discuss Group KDE Hacking/Discuss Group
15:00h 16:00h Do GTK ao Qt, como Linus Torvalds abraçou o C++ Tomaz Canabrava Mini-Curso de Introdução ao Qt Sandro Andrade KDE Hacking/Discuss Group KDE Hacking/Discuss Group
16:00h 17:00h Qt e KDE no Android: o caso GCompris Filipe Saraiva Mini-Curso de Introdução ao Qt Sandro Andrade KDE Hacking/Discuss Group Encerramento